Interview Feedback Applicant Information First Name* Last Name* Applicant's Email*Group Interview and Induction Interview Date* Group*Art ClubCreate a CardLeatherworkMaker-TechPotterySew SocialShedSTEM ClubWeavingThe Application Interview has several possible outcomes as follows:JOIN - the Applicant may join the group. WAIT - there are currently no vacancies. The Applicant will be placed on a waiting list and informed when a vacancy arises. The Applicant will receive a refund of any subscription paid.OTHER GROUP - the Applicant wishes to join another group. The Applicant will be introduced to another group.CANCEL - the Application is cancelled and the Applicant will receive a refund of any subscription paid.Please indcate the Applicant's/Coordinator agreed decision. Decision*JOINWAITOTHER GROUPCANCELPlease confirm that Induction Training was undertaken and date. Induction Completed*YesNo Induction Date* Coordinator Coordinator's E-mail *SubmitReset