Members’ Guide

Who we are: BH-Shed is a registered charity formed in 2016. As a charity we are able to raise funds through grants and donations. We must operate in a responsible way, follow certain rules and regulations and pursue charitable aims as explained below.

Our Foundation: We recognise that social isolation and loneliness can affect people of all ages and be caused by many different circumstances.  It can lead to physical and mental illness and may be reduced by enabling people to become more inclusive.  It is this background that provides the foundation for our mission.

Our Mission:

Promoting & enabling inclusion through

arts, crafts and making activities.

How we do it: We achieve our aims by providing open, relaxing and stimulating work spaces, where members can pursue their own projects, work with others, make new friends and have a good time. Our safe and friendly spaces are supported by facilities and resources, that enable people to engage, participate and share interests in arts, crafts and making activities. As far as reasonably practical we ensure that our spaces and activities are open and affordable to all.

Our Motto:

Nothing happens unless you make it!

Where we do it:

Shed Makerspace: Burnside, Victoria Road, Victoria Industrial Park, Burgess Hill.

Kiln Makerspaces: The Kiln, The Martlets, Burgess Hill Town Centre

Our Trustees: are volunteer members who are responsible for providing help and guidance on the strategic aims and direction of BH-Shed, and for ensuring controls are in place to achieve our mission.  Please feel free to discuss BH-Shed matters with any trustee.

Membership: As a member we expect you will fully support BH-Shed aims and share its values.  We hope you will enjoy your time and will want to maintain a long-term relationship with us. Members can use our Makerspaces for any project as long as it is safe and acceptable to other members.  You may work with others on joint projects and voluntarily work on BH-Shed projects.  We expect all our members to share and help each other learn new skills. You may use tools, machinery and equipment as long as you demonstrate that you have the knowledge and skills necessary to use each item. This may require you to undertake either induction or scheduled training.   If at any time you need to use tools, machinery or equipment that you have not used before, please let a supervisor know in order to arrange appropriate training.

Member Rights: As a member you have voting rights on election of trustees and major decisions and matters affecting BH-Shed. Every year you can attend an Annual General Meeting where you can provide ideas, raise issues make comments and vote on matters affecting you and BH-Shed.

Complaints: If at any time you are unsatisfied and cannot resolve an issue informally, you should first raise the matter with your supervisor or group coordinator. If the issue is not or cannot be resolved in this way, please contact a trustee to initiate a formal complaints process.

Visitors: In order to meet our charitable aims, BH-Shed may receive visitors from our community.  Some visitors may be seeking information about our organisation and what we do, whilst others may be looking for us to help them with a project. Please help our visitors with information about our organisation and membership, and how they may get help for their project.

Using Our Spaces: Members can use BH-Shed venues, spaces, workshops and facilities to pursue their own projects in the company of others, sharing ideas and learning from each other; use tools and equipment on hand, with access to the knowledge and expertise of members; contribute to worthwhile community projects.

Supervisors and First Aid: Our aim is to make our spaces safe for members, users (anyone with permission to use our premises and facilities) and visitors.  To do this we comply with Health and Safety legislation,. Our volunteer members provide supervision and first aid cover. 

Duty of Care: Members have a duty of care to themselves and others.  Members must follow health and safety procedures and guidance, and always wear personal protection equipment appropriate to the activity you are undertaking.