Membership Terms and Conditions
To join, individuals complete an application form and pay a membership fee. Membership terminates at the end of July in each calendar year and may be renewed subject to new terms and conditions as advised.
In accordance with our Membership Policy, new membership will initially be granted for a three-month probationary period subject to trustee approval. The purpose of the probationary period is to give the parties an opportunity to reflect and ensure that the individual and Burgess Hill Shed (BH-Shed) are a good fit. The probationary period starts from the joining date. At the end of the probationary period, the trustees will decide if full membership can be given as covered in the Membership Policy.
Concessions may be made in cases of hardship. Please speak to a trustee if this is needed.
Terms and Conditions
Members are individuals who share the values of BH-Shed and support its mission.
Data Protection: I consent to the use of my personal images by photography or video recording which may be used on the BH-Shed website ( in newsletters, publications in future events and to members. No personal information i.e. names will be used in any publication unless my consent is given. I understand I can withdraw my consent anytime by informing a trustee or by sending an email to:
All confidential personal information on the online and paper application forms is to register applicants as members of BH-Shed. It is also to provide contact information to let BH-Shed inform members about operations and events, and to contact a person named by the applicant in the event of an emergency.
Members will be informed of membership renewal arrangements, terms and conditions 1 month before the 1st August each year. If a member fails to renew within 30 days from 1 August in any year, membership shall be deemed to have been terminated.
Membership will depend on following the rules, operating policies and controls of BH-Shed which include health and safety and standard operating procedures. These are available for members to read at BH-Shed, or by request to a trustee
After joining, members will receive induction training.
Members may use BH-Shed Makerspaces on the days and times scheduled or at other times as notified by coordinators and trustees. They must not carry out any work unless an authorised supervisor and First Aider are at the venue. When members attend they must accept guidance, direction and instruction from the lead supervisor. When open, members are entitled to use the facilities, tools and equipment provided they agree to the Members Declaration as below.
Members Declaration
By submitting an application form, I hereby declare and accept that:
- I will abide by BH-Shed policies, rules and procedures and follow the guidelines given and directions provided by trustees, coordinators and supervisors.
- I voluntarily accept the inherent risks of injury through the use of equipment and machines and by undertaking craft and other activities whilst on and using BH-Shed premises. I accept that I have a duty of care to ensure that any work or activities that I undertake are safe and do not impact on others in or on the premises.
- I agree to be mindful of inherent risks in any activities I undertake, and will wear and use personal protection equipment as appropriate, and will ensure my personal safety and the safety of others.
- I will conduct myself in a considerate manner at all times, respect and be mindful of the needs of other users in accordance with the Membership Policy.
- I agree that BH-Shed can collect and hold personal data for the purposes of my membership application and administration.
- I agree to pay membership joining fees, annual renewal and attendance charges for using BH-Shed facilities as defined in the current Schedule of Charges.
As described in the Membership Policy, Trustees have the power to expel or suspend a member if, in the Trustees opinion, their conduct is not in keeping with the interests of Burgess Hill Shed. However, such a member shall first have had reasonable opportunity of appearing before the Trustees to state their case.