Pottery FAQ’s

How can I do pottery at the kiln?  You can come and do pottery at the Kiln by completing an online application form on this website. We can then contact you and discuss the availability of space at the sessions before you become a member of Burgess Hill Shed.

How much does it cost?  BH-Shed membership is currently £30 for a year, we ask for an additional £5 for each session you attend.

Do I need to have any experience with clay?  Our sessions are open to all abilities, we always welcome members with experience and a willingness to share their knowledge and skills.

Do you run specific classes?  No, we do not teach formal classes at the Kiln. We aim to facilitate all members with hand building and throwing skills. We are a group of people who are all members of the Burgess Hill Shed and some members volunteer to either coordinate sessions or supervise and share skills.

What will I make?  It very much depends on what you want to make. We have books and journals that can help give you ideas. There are many resources online that can help you such as Pinterest or Instagram.  

I want to throw pots on the wheel, can I do this at the Kiln?  We have three electric wheels; one is hand operated and the other two are foot pedal operated. We also have three kick/ momentum wheels that have been donated. Using the wheels is ‘first come, first served’.

Do I need to pay for materials?  We currently do not charge for materials; we use both earthenware and stoneware clays and have a limited selection of glazes and decorative slips.

Do I need to pay for my work to be fired in the kiln?  No we do not charge for any firing costs currently.

Can I bring in work I make from home to be fired in the kiln?  Unfortunately, we do not have the Kiln space to offer this.

Additional information that may be helpful:

The pottery studio has limited space, we have room for 10 members at each session this includes wheel throwers.

We encourage all members to be actively involved in helping with aspects of the pottery and The Shed Charity. This may be general housekeeping/ cleaning or supervising of a session after specific training if you feel able to take on responsibilities like filling the kiln, preparing and reclaiming clay.

We encourage all members to share skills.

We encourage people to be mindful of and respect other members.

We definitely want members to come, enjoy, create and have FUN!